Saturday, June 23, 2007

Scriptural References of the New Jerusalem

Isa. 2: 2
(2 Ne. 12: 2) mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established.
Isa. 40: 9
0 Zion, that bringest good tidings.
Micah 4: 2
law shall go forth of Zion.
Gal. 4: 26
Jerusalem which is above is free.
Rev. 3: 12
name of the city of my God . . . new Jerusalem.
Rev. 21: 2
holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down.
3 Ne. 20: 22
it shall be a New Jerusalem.
3 Ne. 21: 23
that they may be a city . . . the New Jerusalem.
Ether 13: 3
New Jerusalem, which should come down.
Ether 13: 6
New Jerusalem . . . built upon this land.
D&C 42: 9
city of the New Jerusalem shall be prepared.
D&C 45: 66
called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace.
D&C 84: 2
Mount Zion . . . city of New Jerusalem.
D&C 97: 19
Zion is the city of our God.
D&C 133: 12
Let them . . . who are among the Gentiles flee unto Zion.
Moses 7: 20
Zion shall dwell in safety forever.
Moses 7: 62
it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem.
A of F 10
Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent.

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